When Chantelle Turner, the Founder of Notable Leader Elite, came to me, she was just on the verge of shifting her coaching business from new industry professionals and business owners looking to grow their audience, to high-ticket professionals that want to be leaders in their niche.
It was a transition she'd gone through herself.
First being a strong voice with a lot of information that others sought in the groups she was active in. Then starting her own group, building a large, loyal following and strong foundation that got her noticed. Soon she was on stage as a speaker for Clickfunnels (she's even on their home page) and shuffling around board rooms training executives.
Great. She has the credentials and the experience to take on this new clientele.
So why did she need MY help?
Though she was already noticed by high-level executives, most of her clients were still new business owners and solopreneurs. Much of her messaging still centered around that clientele.
Though much of her work centers around helping people jump to new levels and overcome messaging hurdles, she was struggling to do the same for herself.
Ever hear that therapists are great at helping other people overcome their problems, but have a hard time solving their own?
What she was experiencing isn't uncommon at all. Many content marketing businesses struggle with creating content that brings a lot of traffic to their sites, despite touting their ability to do so for clients.
The project: Altering landing page messaging to hit the right target audience
Chantelle had already created a new landing page, which would be linked to in bylines and CTAs throughout her other content.
This landing page was meant to target executives and business professionals that already have an audience, but want to become the go-to name that everyone in the industry recognizes.
For marketing, think Neil Patel and Brian Dean.
Finding Your Target audience and Implementing The Right messaging
During my first look at the existing landing page, it was very clear that there was a messaging problem.
Here's what we started with:

The images, though professional, aren't in the right places- there was no mention of CARE anywhere else on the page.
It was part of her program, but without acknowledging that, it didn't really make sense. To have it above the fold just overloaded the reader with half-information.
The header doesn't give you much of an idea of what her program is really about. And, what does "notable leader" even mean?
The call to action wasn't compelling enough.
The subheader and messages throughout were still catering to her initial audience of new entrepreneurs.
Finding her audience
I needed to get a real understanding of the audience she wanted to work for, what her program was about, her credentials, and her successes with clients.
Who were these executives she wanted to work with?
What was in this special program?
How did it push executives to the next level?
What are their big pain points?
It took a lot of back and forth to really understand where she wanted to take this landing page. It seemed like her mindset was still stuck on the clients she was too familiar with- the solopreneurs she'd worked with in the past.
But after jumping through a few mental hurdles, we were able to shape a framework for her audience. Put simply, we wanted to talk to clients rather similar to herself, who had made the transition from being Facebook group popular to becoming speakers.
What are their pain points?
I had to get to the heart of HER success, and HER program, and understand what she's already solving.
She mentioned:
The lack of time.
The inability to balance work with life, and still have growth.
The motivation to keep going.
Knowing growth strategies- how to achieve growth?
She'd spent years and thousands of dollars on resources and coaches, and nothing clicked for her until she found her system and built her audience.
THAT was what she was selling.
THAT is what other people want.
They want fast results, without being overwhelmed. They want growth, without the hassle. They want their name to be searchable, but they don't know how to get there.
What makes a great landing page?
The landing page in question was already in existence. There was a ton of copy, lots of great pictures, and a set format. While starting from scratch or changing the format wasn't an option, I still wanted to change most of the content.
Retaining her voice and her message was important, but we needed to hit the pain points harder and provide more detail about her journey and the resulting program.
This is all part of landing page best practices.
When building a landing page, you're meant to take readers through a journey, of sorts. Here's the typical format:
Compelling header that explains what the page is selling.
Short description that hits on pain points/ desires/ describes the product or service.
An explanation.
Something about pain.
Something about pleasure.
Social proof.
Call to action.
Other elements you can add include:
A guarantee
Method of contact
Trust signals
There are a lot of arguments about whether long-form landing pages are better than short landing pages, and vice versa (personally, I'm a fan of short, minimalist landing pages). Every study I've ever read about it is just as unsure as the next.
This analysis by Crazy Egg shows that A/B testing landing pages, again and again, is the only way to figure out which works best for your company/ product/ service.
In the article, they even make note of the fact that companies have had great results with a short landing page, but it converted even better when the company lengthened it. The tricky part is that, after shortening it again, keeping the information that customers looked at the most/longest, they were able to yield even greater results.
In other words, test your landing pages. Even the smallest changes can make a difference.
The results: Hitting a target audience and their pain points.
Taking all of the above into consideration, we were able to rewrite the content for the landing page.
I altered just about every bit of content on the page. Here's a look at the first iteration:

It still wasn't right.
The pain points weren't strong enough. The header was not compelling enough... So I tried again.
Then again.
What we landed on (see what I did there) in the end was a more compelling landing page that spoke of her journey as a coach, and had more of the messaging that would attract her NEW audience.
The header provided more of an explanation. The subheader, though longer, hit pain points a little harder. I inserted more action language. Tied in desires. Added more details about her journey and the program to entice the readers and help them identify with her- to long for a sped-up version of her success.
Landing pages are a science. A combination of the right elements, at the right length, with the right images, and the right messages.
While you never know what works best until you test, one thing remains constant:
You have to speak to the right people.
If you'd like to chat about altering the messaging of your landing pages, website, or blog, you can reach out to me here.